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I’m Maxime Liberty-Point, a designer born in France, raised in Oregon, and currently living in Silicon Valley.

With a passion for creativity, precision and minimalism, I help clients enhance their brand through unique and provocative designs.

My specialties include branding, graphic design, web design, email design, presentation design, art direction and knowing exactly when to stop listing specialties.

I’ve had the privilege of working with outstanding brands like Zoom, Ernst & Young, Sanmina, Yellow Pages, Trace3, E2open, and Palo Alto Research Center.

I’m currently the Brand Design Manager at Zoom.

Outside of design I like to play and teach tennis, golf, travel, and enjoy the occasional live music performance. And I’m probably one of the better jugglers you’ll ever meet.

I’m Maxime Liberty-Point, a designer born in France, raised in Oregon, and currently living in Silicon Valley.

With a passion for precision and minimalism, I help clients enhance their digital presence through unique and provocative designs.

My specialties include branding, graphic design, web design, front-end development, art direction and knowing exactly when to stop listing specialties.

I’ve had the privilege of working with outstanding brands like Ernst & Young, Sanmina, Yellow Pages, Dancing Astronaut, Trace3, E2open, and Palo Alto Research Center.

I’m currently a Visual Designer at Zoom, a video-first, unified communications platform.

Outside of design I like to play and teach tennis, travel, and enjoy the occasional live jazz performance. And I’m probably one of the better jugglers you’ll ever meet.